Airtel Uganda’s Internet, Voice and Mobile Money services go offline

Uganda’s 2nd largest telcommunications company Airtel has not had perfect spikes of growth with its subscribers currently crossing sides to other telcos like MTN and Africell.

This is due to the fact that the compnay has failed to tame its downtimes to a point that its Internet, Voice and Airtel Money service are currently ofline__by the time of writing.

Airtel Uganda’s Indepedence day down time comes at a time when it recently suffered the same flaw for approximately 2hours before stablising its network with a public apology aired on its Social Media channels.

The most recent Airtel downtime was registered on 2nd October, and subscribers could neither make calls nor send text messages with Zero chances of reaching the telco’s customer care support line.

Well, with today’s downtime, subscribers have resorted to switching data lines and attacking the telco as one that could soon sense its downfall in Uganda. Nonetheless, Here is a scent of the downtime reactions making rounds on Airtel’s Twitter TimeLine.

The Cause of Airtel’s Now-popular downtimes

The Same way online publishing blogs like Tech Point Magazine suffocate on traffic when users exceed the planned cap and provoke fatal browser errors. It’s the same lane that telcos craze with during downtimes.

This is due to the fact that Servers are the centralised masters of almost all Networks in the world, and any unplanned increase in resources usage tames fatal erros that usually make the server services slow

So, for Airtel’s downtime trouble, the fact that many subscribers flock the network to have a taste of its offers, the higher the number grows, its the lower the telco’s redudancy levels meet support from errors shorting almsot all crucial services.

Hence, By the time Airtel stabilises its network flow, a percentange of its loyal subscribers would have crossed sides with popular sides like MTN and Africell is hope for better uptime and offer durations.

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