Airtel Uganda on Friday 22nd september introduced the whole new airtel 4G network to its line replacing its 3.75g internet speeds that were its maximum speeds joining other giant networks that had already introduced the 4G internet speeds to its customers. #Livethe4Gexperience being the new tag line of airtel’s 4G connection is set to address the issue of low connection speeds as reported by many customers on the network.
“Such milestones like the one Airtel has attained today is a confirmation what we have always encouraged innovative ICT development models” – Minister of ICT and National Guidance Hon Frank Tumwebaze was the chief guest of this highly articipated live 4G launch by Airtel and gave close remarks that showed every Ugandan would benefit from the highly articipated 4G connectivity,in his own words hailed airtel for being Uganda’s top network with very affordable rates and reliable connectivity and congratulated management together with the staff that have made the 4G dream come true.
According to Airtel Uganda’s Managing director Mr V.G Somasekhar,Subscribers will have an improved internet experience at the most affordable rates and the investment will further enable digital inclusion in Uganda,With such a statement it shows airtel relatively has big plans for its customers out their and is set to premier yet other big rewarding campaigns and services to all subscribers countrywide not leaving out the #megamassape promotion that rewarded many customers with big prizes ranging from cars and motorcycles as scheduled to end on the 20th of september.

With this 4G LTE technology,Airtel Uganda’s fastest growing telecom is now offering subscribers around the country with the fastest available speeds as well as an improved experience in internet based activities such as video,mobile web access,Voip among others that are all set for the subscribers who will now have superb speeds just like any network in Uganda which put Airtel back to its top notch of having good internet speeds.