Mobile money tax is the new talk of the town since Parliament flagged off its position on the yet to be renounced 1% tax on mobile money. Tightly talking about the proposed adjustment. Minister Matia Kasaija claimed that he knows nothing about the said 1% on all transactions rectifying the issue with a much promising deal for Ugandans.

“We shall tax mobile money agents and telecoms, not the customers”. Minister Kasaija stated. Even though Parliament has already approved this form of tax on mobile banking we expect things to change since its only Uganda with such taxes levied on the day to day popular services.
Mobile money tax the new trick behind it
The 1% mobile money tax which we all thought was the new thing may soon get a new twist as the mister stated. 0.5% is the new rate at which transactions will be charged. According to the finance minister, it’s only mobile money agents and telecoms that will be charged.
We leave our hands crossed just weeks before the new national budget is passed that will as well include the rumored social media tax.