Google has today launched a try it function at its annual playtime developer event aimed at improving user experience and promoting the already popular android operating system to reach the ultimate goal of becoming the best and most used mobile operating system globally.At this year’s playtime a series of developer tools were announced including the security reward program that will see many android users benefit from the try it and security features such as the popular Google play protect that scans every application installed on your device to check for any malware or security threats which clearly indicates every updated android device shall be safe from any vulnerability chances together with an option to run an app without initially installing it.

During this year’s playtime conference Google also launched the new play security award program to boost security researchers efforts to find vulnerabilities from both Google apps as well as popular 3rd party apps,furthermore with the Android vitals Google play console will track app performance and enabling reports that track crashes,bugs together with other issues to the app developers.However the try it feature will help android users to test app compability where in case of any bugs they are directly sent to the developer even before the user installs the app for full usage thus giving enough room for better app development.
Meanwhile apps will soon feature the try it now button though currently only selected app listings are able to display the feature as launched today and Google will enable the feature for other apps in early January.
Many android apps will have the Try it now feature enabled on every android device and all developers will earn more from users who have subscribed to their apps for a year or more through Google play’s initiative of lowering the fees it collects from these developers.Google through the try it feature combined with Google play protect will help users further track their lost devices with the new integration of Find my device logged in devices shall locked by the user in case of device theft as a move to beef up security of the world’s most popular operating system.