Sending android apps using Whatsapp is one of the basic smartphone tricks users tend to ignore. As we addressed the best way to install an android apk on your smartphone in one of our recent stories. To send your friend an app they don’t have on a phone via Whatsapp is very easy and will only require you to have a smartphone ready and follow the following procedures.
Sending an Android apk via Whatsapp procedures
Step 1: Extract/ Download the android app apk to share
Step 2: Locate the android apk in your smartphone’s file manager
Step 3: Hold the apk file to select then tap Rename
Step 4: On the file renaming option, erase the apk file extension and change it to a Whatsapp accepted version like .pdf or .doc

Step 5: Reselect your changed android file which by now cant be installed then choose share via Whatsapp
Step 6: Whatsapp will upload and send the android app in document format ready for download by the receiver
[irp posts=”4354″ name=”How to Manually install Android apps using APKs on your smartphone”]
Receiver’s Side: Installing the received Android package via Whatsapp
Step 1: Download the sent Document (Android app in Document format)
Step 2: Locate the downloaded document in your smartphone and follow Step 3 & 4 above but change to extension .apk
Step 3: tap on the changed file to Install the Android app sent to you via Whatsapp
Step 4: Hooray! Open your installed app ready to use and sent via Whatsapp
If you successfully follow the above steps, sharing your favorite apps will no longer be a terrible experience but rather a very quick easy process. Therefore, forget the old-fashioned Bluetooth sharing techniques, Whatsapp itself allows you to do the impossible.