Jumia Prime is a loyalty program for customers that want to save on every order they make on Jumia. The service was initially limited to Jumia Food, But due to the current COVID19 period, the service is now available for both Jumia express and Food customers.
Jumia Prime allows customers to choose between a 1 week to 1 year membership period to get free delivery on all orders placed. Previously, the service was limited to Jumia food, and Prime customers would get their orders delivered without any delivery costs incurred.
This means, if a Jumia prime customer wants a product worth UGX 10,000. The overall payment to be made by the customer will be 10,000/= with free delivery for the order.
However, for a non-prime customer all orders placed carry a shipping fee depending on the delivery location, and the amount is added on checkout.
The service is currently available for Jumia customers in Kampala and Entebbe regions with subscription plans slightly changing as per the logistics involved.
For Kampala
- One week subscription for 9,999 UGX
- 3-month subscription for 74,999 UGX
- 6-month subscription for 134,999 UGX.
- One year subscription for 224,999 UGX.
For Entebbe
- One week subscription for 10,999 UGX
- 3-month subscription for 81,999 UGX
- 6-month subscription for 147,999 UGX.
- One year subscription for 244,999 UGX.
How to subscribe to Jumia Prime

- Visit www.jumia.ug/jumia-prime
- Choose a Membership plan ( 1 Week, 3months, 6 months or 1year)
- Once Selected, click Add to Cart
- Checkout via your Cart (shopping list) to make Payment
- Make a Payment via Mobile Money by entering your number
- Approve Transaction from Jumia
- Done: Enjoy free shipping on all products for your approved membership period.
However, Jumia Prime supports free shipping of up to UGX 45,000 for Jumia express Items and UGX 35,000 for Jumia food. The service is also capped to non-bulk customers making less than 40 orders a month. More so, JForce (Sales) consultants are also not eligible for the loyalty program due to their purchase model.