Online shopping in East Africa has transpired from a corporate service to an all-round service that can be used by anyone with internet access. Aligning to the smartphones revolution in East Africa, the need for more solutions is shooting up high and has seen Tuskys join the market dominated by Jumia and Kilimall in Kenya.
Through Lipia Polepole which is a credit booking service by Tuskys, the supermarket might register a good number of users since everyone would love to buy a product on credit. For as low as Kshs 1,000 Tuskkys’s Lipia PolePole allows you to book for an item without necessarily paying for it up front for delivery.

The Tusksys online shopping interface
To access Tuskys online shopping website, all you need to do is visit which redirects you to the Kenyan site, though we are not sure if the same service will be launched in other East African countries since a single electronic passport now binds the mixed boundaries.
Uniek Jumia and Kilimall which outsource products for sale online. Tuskys is selling its own in-store items to customers directly instead of negotiating with sellers. So, the new internet shopping dash by Tuskys will see bigger supermarkets like Shoprite or Game join the Wagon controlled by the Internet. Nonetheless, we can’t wait to see Tusksys launching its online shopping portal all over East Africa.