Here is how you can Turn On 5G on iPhone 12

5G on iPhone 12 is a network standard that allows you to access your network provider’s strongest band with the best Internet Speeds compared to any previous cellular bands available in the world. Well, the iPhone 12 doubles as the first Apple release to equip 5G alongside regular 4G LTE.

But to turn on 5G on iPhone 12, the option is active by default with the available user option trimmed to turning off the network band. So, you can turn off 5G on iPhone 12 with ease since it is turned ON by default.

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Apparently, Apple set the network switch as a user-mode companion to allow users easily flip between 5G and 4G based on the current geographical location. So, when you travel to a country with 5G availability, you can easily flip your switch to ON.

How to Turn on 5G on iPhone 12
The iPhone 12 Mini

How to Turn on 5G on iPhone 12

  • Go to Settings on your iPhone 12
  • From the Settings list, select Cellular
  • Then tap Cellular data options (located between data switch and personal hotspot)
  • From the options list, tap Voice & Data
  • Then choose 5G ON (to set 5G Only)
  • Choose 5G Auto to only use the band when it’s available, and use 4G when unavailable (away from a coverage region)
  • Done: Your iPhone 12 will be able to use 5G and you can always switch to LTE through the same procedure

5G Data Modes

When switching on 5G on iPhone 12, you should consider choosing a favorable data mode based on your data plan and the battery usage rate you desire. By default, the iPhone 12 is set to “Smart Data Mode” that easily flips between 5G/4G LTE for better battery life and perfomance.

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Available iPhone 12 5G Modes

  • Allow More Mata on 5G
  • Standard
  • Low Data Mode

However, in case you wish to change the default Apple setting “Smart Data Mode”, you can select data mode under Cellular data options to choose your preferred 5G method that can favor your iPhone’s battery life or maximize usage based on your mobile telco and data plan.

How to switch your iPhone 12 5G Data Mode

  • Go to Settings on your iPhone 12
  • From the Settings Menu, select Cellular
  • Then tap Cellular data options (located between data switch and personal hotspot)
  • From the options list, select Data Mode
  • Then choose between Allow More data on 5G, Standard and Low Data Mode
  • Done: based on your preferred data mode, 5G will use your current data plan and battery life as per your setting

How to Turn Off 5G on iPhone 12

  • Go to Settings on your iPhone 12
  • From the Settings Menu, select Cellular
  • Then tap Cellular data options (located between data switch and personal hotspot)
  • From the options list, tap Voice & Data
  • Then choose LTE (4G)
  • Done: 5G will be switched off and your network mode set to 4G LTE, to switch back, you can always choose 5G Auto or ON when available.
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