Before June comes to a close, its midweek status poses spikes from the foldable Smartphones notion as the corporate generation is shining high with innovations and telecom companies pulling strides for a massive subscriber base.
Equity Bank unveils a Supreme branch
Equity bank is one of the biggest banking sector heads in Uganda and its position is notable for by the milestones it has tackled in a period of less than 10 years. Well, On Thursday Equity bank rolled out its latest product dubbed as “Supreme Banking” with a first-ever branch of the kind in Bugolobi off Luthuli Avenue.
The New supreme banking branch is strictly designed for the corporate niche where customers will have the ability to swiftly hold meetings, teleconference as well as have a sip of free Internet access at the branch.
According to Equity officials, more supreme branches will be unveiled by the bank as time goes on with the first of its kind situated in the heart of Bugolobi in Kampala after a cop up from the Kenya wing norm.
Huawei Delays its foldable Mate X Launch
Huawei unveiled its foldable Mate X smartphone earlier this year in February, but its official launch date to the market is now procrastinated amidst the fact that Google put a stop to future devices support as the U.S has no signs of lifting the ban yet.
Well, the Mate X procrastination is not affiliated to the fact that U.S sanctions are sinking in the Huawei veins, but instead allied to the ever-rising issues about Samsung’s Galaxy Fold Smartphones. So, Huawei decided to delay its Mate X official release until the device is fully ready to cope with user behavior and flagship standards later this year.
MTN brings a new Data offer to life
MTN Gaga Wednesday ignited a data bundle marathon in Uganda that is progressively attracting new entrants with Airtel ruling Fridays and Africell battling up for a two days position on both Wednesday and Airtel’s favorite. As the shocking MTN reveal came to pass a few weeks ago, the Yello camp promise of having a revamp of the offer cruised in a new data offer earlier this week.
The New MTN Data offer is a multiplier that will have all subscribers enjoy double packages each time a monthly bindle tastes their Yello SIMcard. Unlike the Gaga With MTN offer that had a 3-day lifespan, the new double data offer is valid for 3 months from the time of subscription on an MTN line.
Google’s Pixel 4 smartphone leaks with elegancy to its design
Google’s Pixel 3 is one of the elegant smartphones you can easily call a top tier beast. Amidst the fact that Apple and Samsung still boast with great device cameras, Google’s Pixel series boast with more picture quality as braced by the phone users. Luckily, the upcoming Google Pixel 4 pictures have been leaked and here a sip of what it will look like.

NITA-U increments its NIB Phase IV project
The National Infomation technology Authority (NITA-U) is an IT regulation body that is incrementing Uganda with full internet access through its National backbone infrastructure (NBI) project. Yet again, NITA-U has incremented its Phase IV project with a full Internet access revamp for Schools in Katakwi district.
Through the Phase IV project which covers the WestNile region and a sip of the Karamoja region that as well covers Katakwi in its coverage map. NITA-U installs computers for Secondary Schools and further avails Internet access to all Gov’t offices in the phase region.