Mobile Money is by far the next-generation financial mover with more players creating solutions in the ever-evolving space. While the sector currently grosses with over 24million mobile money subscribers in Uganda. New challenges rise up and with the most common case being money sent to a wrong number.
With a fast-rising rate of Mobile Money to wrong number queries piling by the telecommunications provider sides, MTN has today announced a reversal procedure that all Mobile money users can adhere to for easy reversal of money sent to a wrong number.
Assuming you send money to a Wrong mobile number that differs from your target recipient even by a single digit, getting the money back would now be easy as a customer care call to perform a quick bounce back exercise and re-credit your account. Much more like a swift process, here is the procedure you can follow to get your money back.
Reversing your Mobile Money sent to a wrong number
- Once you notice that Money has been sent to a wrong number
- Call the MTN Customer Care hotline on 100, Whatsapp( 0772 123 100) or hit their social media channels on Facebook and Twitter @mtnug
- A Customer Care representative will immediately query the Transaction and amount sent to the Wrong number
- If the money has not been withdrawn yet, your Mobile Money account will be topped up in less than 24hours.
- Incase of delays, Follow up with a Customer Care call

Unlike the old system where getting your money back would involve police documentation and where extreme a court order, the new MTN method helps you get your money back without flipping in for 3rd party measures once the recipient still has the money on their account.
However, If you send money to a wrong number and the receiver immediately withdraws the money, then a negotiation between the MTN customer representatives and the receiver could help you get your funds back.
Where Extreme, you may be required to escalate the unresolved matter to court once the receiver fails to re-deposit the money back after withdraw. Luckily, In case the money is set to a number that has not been active for the past 3 months, it is immediately re-sent back to your phone on reaching out for customer care support.