The National information technology authority (NITA) is a body regulating and coordinating the growth & robust impact of ICT in the country given its backbone internet infrastructure pumping free internet with the My UG SSID. However, the ICT body will be no more after Government decided to merge serval agencies back to their parent firms including theNational Identification & Registration Authority (NIRA).
On the contrary, UCC was retained as a separate agency overseeing the ICT & media regulations unlike the story with NITA & NIRA. Henceforth, this means that the process of renewing or getting a new national ID will require you to visit the ministry headquarters as the story is with passports.

Agencies dissolved back to their respective ministries
Among the several bodies absorbed back to their respective ministries, NIRA & NITA will now be under the Internal affairs ministry and ICT respectively. While the electricity regulation authority previously increased the price of electricity by a slight margin. Umeme will now implement policies from one joint power outfit to be created soon as URSB now reverts to the ministry of justice in a compiled list of retained and absorbed agencies.
Dissolved agencies
- Uganda National Roads Authority
- Uganda Road Fund
- Uganda Railways Corporation
- Transport Licensing Board
- Uganda Registration Services Bureau
- Uganda Electricity Generation Co Limited
- Uganda Electricity Transmission Co Limited
- Uganda Electricity Distribution Co Limited
- Rural Electrification Agency
- Lotteries and Gaming Regulatory Board
- Departed Asians Properties Custodian Board
- National Agricultural Advisory Services Org
- Uganda Trypanosomiasis Control Council
- Dairy Development Authority
- Uganda Coffee Development Authority
- Cotton Development Organisation
- National Identification & Reg Authority NGO Bureau
- National Information Technology Authority
- Uganda Aids Commission
- National Drug Authority
- Uganda Blood Transfusion Services
- Uganda Industrial Research Institute
- Uganda National Council for Scie & Tech
- Uganda Land Commission
- Kampala Capital City Authority
- Uganda Communication Commission
- Uganda National Bureau of Standards
- Uganda Bureau of Statistics
- National Medical Stores