EzyAgric is a Ugandan-based Agritech startup that has expanded its wings to India with solutions to help farmers and agriculture dealers in the country. In partnership with German mineral & agriculture giant K+S corporation, Ezy Agric aims at making farming more profitable and efficient for smallholder farmers across India.
The EzyAgric App currently boasts with hundred of thousands of smallholder farmers in Uganda relying on the App for quality information, produce mapping, weather forecasts, and many more. Now, farmers in India will be able to benefit even more from the emergence of K+S Minireals as the App’s launch partner.
K+S Minerals & Agriculture provides premium-quality fertilizers and agronomical services worldwide including thousands of farmers across India. So, EzyAgric is leveraging the K+s user base to launch its mobile app services to all Indian farmers and further enhancing the K+S existing portfolio of services offered in India.
During the app’s launch event to India, Nikhil Yadav, the Ezygric India Product Manager Noted that the EzyAgric India App will provide crop-relates\d agronomic information, a GPS-based farm mapping tool, custom-designed fertigation schedules, and an easy to maintain farm book, among other features available to Indian farmers.

” EzyAgric’s updates on weather and news along with farming videos would be very helpful to Indian Farmers. Advisory on crop nutrition, pests and diseases is also available on the Ezy Agric India app and moving forward, we shall consistently keep adding helpful content and create more features for all users”
Also, William Luyinda, the CEO EzyAgric inked that EzyAgric digitizes agricultural value chains for smallholder farmers thereby providing more efficient access to credit, quality non-counterfeit inputs, farm management software tools, advisory services, and market linkages for produce offtake. With this model, the App has achieved solid traction in Uganda with thousands of farmers now using the App to ease their management processes.
” EzyAgric has a strong relationship with K+S by virtue of the latter’s investment in EzyAgric. When K+S highlighted its existing presence in India with a network of thousands of Indian farmers as existing clients, leveraging this farmer base to launch the EzyAgric app was an opportunity that was difficult to miss. Most Importantly, both Uganda and India are countries with a vast numbers of farmers with similar needs that the EzyAgric app can attempt to address ”
Said William Luyinda, the CEO EzyAgric
How the EzyAgric App works

As an Agritech startup, EzyAgric digitises agricultural value chains to provide better production, marketing, and financial services to farmers and agribusinesses through a mobile app. By this standard, the App has over 200,000 active smallholder famers in Uganda relying on the service’s mobile and web app platform with features like:
- Map Your Garden
- Buy Inputs
- Sell Produce
- Easy Extension
- Farm Profile
- EzyCredits
With these features, a farmer can acquire quality inputs for his garden and be able to sell his produce through the EzyAgric app. Also, the EzyCredits feature allows farmers to get security-free loans and payback later to increase a farm’s productivity. Hence, with these and many more set to be launched in the Indian market, EzyAgric will reshape farmers in the region with quality services available with an on-site delivery model.