The reason why most netizens still have feature phones as their all-time backups alongside a sleek smartphone lies in the fact that they pose great features, unlike the advanced companions. Blocking calls on a feature phone is one easy flip to the settings or direct call log option putting a stop to an annoying phone number/ contact off your ringtone sounds than it is on a smartphone.
Well, have you ever wondered how you can block specific calls or unknown numbers using your Android smartphone? If yes, then we have a boiling solution to put a stop to any unwanted calls the same way you can trigger a trick on WhatsApp with barely no direct shortcut for a contact to regain direct calls access on your phone.
Blocking a specific number/ contact on Android
First of all, major Android releases have never shipped a direct calls block option through the Phone application. However, with tons of caller management apps on the play store, finding the best becomes a huge task for a later date.
Since all releases including Android Go supporting less powerful devices that still don’t support blocking calls through the default calls management service. Then riding on our recommended list of 3rd party services becomes you direct go ahead with a requirement to double check your default app settings. Nonetheless, here are some of the third party apps you can use to block calls in a flip of a second.
- True Caller
- Calls Blacklist
- Call Blocker
- telGuarder
- Caller ID – Dialer, Phone Contacts & Call blocker
TrueCaller is a viable option to getting rid of spammers and block/blacklist a specific number on your android phone
What we recommend
For the fact that you can’t directly block calls through the inbuilt Android phone app, riding on the above apps can’t be a compulsory norm of shorting each one of them, but cruising with the best version installed on your phone becomes the charm. Since we have used Truecaller for quite some time now, we believe it’s one the best options to help you put a stop on spammers and block/ blacklist any calls on your phone.
Truecaller as the best alternative to block specific numbers on Android ships a default package of caller identification that lets you know whoever is calling once their number doesn’t have a scent in your contacts book. So, with the app, you’re able to identify who is calling and block them right away before opting for a 2nd shot.
To block a call on Truecaller, simply tap on a number off your call log to trigger the block button which can further mark the caller as a spammer to notify any other app users. Hence, the next time you choose to block an annoying caller, simply double check the Google play store for some interesting options that automatically run in the device background.