Global News
Huawei reveals its H1 2019 Revenue: 23.2% YoY Growth
In Huawei's carrier business, H1 sales revenue reached CNY146.5 billion, with steady growth in production and shipment of equipment for wireless networks, optical transmission, data communications, IT, and related product domains. To date, Huawei has secured 50 commercial 5G contracts and has shipped more than 150,000 base stations to markets around the world.
UK comfortable with using Huawei’s network devices for 5G access
Though the Chinese tech giant has had unfixed ties with UK's close allies, its stand on cybersecurity sounds convincing to UK officials who believe Huawei is one of the best 5G network drivers they can accommodate in the region.
Huawei releases its white paper on intellectual property
Huawei today released a white paper on innovation and intellectual property (IP), and warned against the issue being politicized. Speaking at a press conference at the company’s headquarters, Song Liuping, Huawei’s chief legal officer, said that IP is the cornerstone of innovation and its politicization threaten progress across the world.
Meet “HongMeng” Huawei’s new custom developed Operating System
Huawei Mobile hasn't had a perfect month, but it's a company with backup solutions given the fact that it's fully IT driven. Away from...
Cinema Blitz
Avengers, Game Of Thrones are the best 2019 Worldwide takeover shows
Avengers End Game and Game of Thrones Season 8 are the new record-breaking cinema releases that have taken the world by storm. Avengers End game was premiered to the world on April 26, but its popularity streak is rising up day by day tickling a rise of Tony Stark from the dead. On the other hand, Game of Thrones shipped new twists since its Season 8 premiere to a point that the Night King seized to exist in just 1 night.
Facebook now faces new charges by the US Government
Facebook is the most popular social media website tasting stiff competition from Twitter, Instagram and many more platforms on its neck. After several lawsuits piling up to Facebook's neck to a point that a key official recently resigned over unclear insider issues, the US government has now filed new charges over Facebook's racial discrimination in users.