Tips & Tricks
How to Manually install Android apps using APKs on your smartphone
Android apps can be officially downloaded from the Google play store and any third party markets or websites with legal apps provided with working links. Android packages (Apks) are a popular file symbol whenever you want that awesome app sent from somewhere or via Bluetooth and Xender. Installing these manual received files can be tricky, but with the guide, we present to you in this article. You can Install any app without buying more data to access the google play store for any app you want to download.
How To
How to buy and sell Crypto currencies online using mobile money
Cryptocurrencies in Africa are still on a low growing scale. Bitcoin remains to be the ever dominant most known cryptocurrency pulling off an ever rising currency margin unlike any other crypto on the market. That Known! Here is how you can buy cryptocurrencies easily using mobile money or Mpesa.
Tips & Tricks
How to send Whatsapp messages to unsaved phone numbers
Whatapp messenger which is so far the most popular IM ( Instant messaging ) platform has several changes to its main app. WHile you can now make group audio calls on the app's IOS version. The click to chat new whatsapp feature allows you to chat with anyone whose number you have not saved in your contacts list.