What you need to know about MTN Uganda's new No-Expiry data bundles

MTN Freedom is a new data bundles package that has attracted negative views on Twitter before the campaign celebrates its 24-hours birthday. Well, a majority of subscribers instead mis-interpreted the telco’s new Data bundles that have a charming ‘No-Expiry’ header

As the header teaser describes it best, MTN Uganda crafted its new bundles to meet the recent subscriber demands of scrapping off Expiry time frames on data bundles.

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However, the Yello camp replied to the Subcriber demands by introducing its Freedom data package with new price tags to meet the No expiry date limit and at the same time maintaining the telco’s existing data plans

Well, Incase you fall in the 90% league of users who are still wondering what MTN Freedom is could be all about, here is a sniff of our breakdown and Impressions of the telco’s new *150*7# bundles

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MTN Freedom bundles: What they are

As the name sounds, MTN Freedom is derived from Internet freedom that the Yello camp considers housed-in giving subscribers the power to choose when their data can get used up and how much they can consume, In simple terms “Be your own data Boss”

Though the data bundles introduced earlier yesterday have attracted negative feedback from a section of Ugandan Netizens. MTN’s target seems to have been a compliment to its MTN Kamunye phone users and low range Smartphone holders

The bundles come with a new pricing table, new way of loading (USSD Code) and best of all a No Expiry tag for every package from as low as UGX 100.

Data VolumePrice
6MBUGX 100
80MBUGX 1,000
1GBUGX 10,000

As pet the telco’s price breakdown, the new bundles seem to be crafted for budget users who in most cases struggle to see their 1GB data sinking with a 100% data used notification.

Who should buy the new MTN No-Expiry data bundles

Unlike the Uganda Netizens community who shared their views via the hashtag #WhatCan6MBDo in a bid to query what 6MBs at UGX 100 can guarantee. The Yello camp’s target audience is tied to users that never exceed 100Mbs as their data purchase level

However, anyone who uses their Smartphone to strictly access Social media or surf mobile ready websites is the target beneficially of the Yello wing’s new Freedom package since 1GB can barely evaporate in less on a 1 month timeframe if a Smartphone is well optimised on data usage

Additionally, KaiOS phones like the MTN Kamunye and TECNO T2001 handset are designed to deliver more value from low data bundles like the 6MB package in a similar fashion as Android Go powered smartphones

Hence, If you’re a Netflix Subscriber, torrent downloader or a bulk surfer, the Yello camp’s new MTN Freedom package is not designed to your usage level, but instead crafted to give more value to low usage users that use browse basic research pages and access Instant Messaging (IM) platforms like WhatsApp with minimal downloads activated

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