
Huawei lists its top 10 MegaTrend predictions for 2025

Drawing from Huawei’s own quantitative data and real-world use cases of how intelligent technology is permeating every industry, this year’s report identifies 10 megatrends currently shaping how we live and work. GIV also predicts technology trends up until 2025, including 5G coverage, AI deployment, home robot adoption, and smart assistant use rates.

Full List of high Odds Online Sports Betting Websites in Uganda

The wave of new digital standards has shifted from a simple analog to digitalized migration to a much more perfected emerging technologies path. Sports...

OFFICIAL: Huawei’s HongMeng/Harmony OS is Open Source

Huawei last Friday announced its custom in-house operating system HongMeng as an OpenSource standard product. Joining already known FOSS(Free and Open Source Software) projects like Android, Linux and the soon to dive-in Microsoft Windows. HongMeng brings to play new IoT standards a notch higher than any other project in the same league.

Huawei releases its white paper on intellectual property

Huawei today released a white paper on innovation and intellectual property (IP), and warned against the issue being politicized. Speaking at a press conference at the company’s headquarters, Song Liuping, Huawei’s chief legal officer, said that IP is the cornerstone of innovation and its politicization threaten progress across the world.

Huawei calls on U.S to adjust its approach to tackle cybersecurity effectively

Huawei today filed a motion for summary judgment as part of the process to challenge the constitutionality of Section 889 of the 2019 National Defense Authorization...

Tweetdeck surpasses Twitter Client as the best full feature Desktop variant

Tweetdeck is one of the best Twitter supported apps that will take you in a full world of Tweeting with no limits. The default Twitter desktop client has always had a few niche features beyond Tweetdeck including creating polls, GIFs and Emoji support and the latest being support to retweet with graphics. But now the most convenient hashtag tracking platform has also shipped the same trendy features shooting the desktop client winning streak in one jab.

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