
How to Manually install Android apps using APKs on your smartphone

Android apps can be officially downloaded from the Google play store and any third party markets or websites with legal apps provided with working links. Android packages (Apks) are a popular file symbol whenever you want that awesome app sent from somewhere or via Bluetooth and Xender. Installing these manual received files can be tricky, but with the guide, we present to you in this article. You can Install any app without buying more data to access the google play store for any app you want to download.

How to activate free data with Africell’s dont be cheated wednesday

Don't be cheated Wednesday as named by Africell is a weekly offer to all subscribers. Having pioneered this super Wednesday offer, MTN has its own package named Gaga Wednesday offering similar content as Africell on the same day. Contrary to any other weekly offers, Don't be cheated Wednesday by Africell could be the ultimate offer you might wish to activate and here is how you can utilize the cheapest Data bundle every Wednesday.

Facebook confirms sharing data with Huawei mobile and 3 more chinese based manufacturers

Facebook is the world's biggest social media platform with only twitter heading the chase to the top. A few months back everyone was suprised of the Cambridge analytica situations and we must say in Uganda no one investted their time to know what could happen if the same could land during the 2021 gneral elections. Leaving alone the fact that Voters data was leaked towards Trump's voting in. Facebook once again has accepted the fact that Huawei and more Chinese manufacturers received rights to use its private API that grants them full user data.

Wala: The first zero money app is here where you instantly pay bills and perfom mobile money transactions for free

Wala as the name sounds means Far in Luganda (A Ugandan based language). Crossing borders across Africa from South Africa all the way to the Eastern horn of the continent. Wala is an android based app that will give you financial freedom with its Zero charge services. 

Gigabit Ethernet vs. Fast Ethernet: What’s the Difference?

  Not all Ethernet is created equal. These days there are two available standards, Fast Ethernet and Gigabit, which are completely distinct speed interfaces. It’s...

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