
Expect the Uganda Parliament App to Go live Soon

During the Digital to analog migration in Uganda, the Parliament of Uganda received a bunch of iPads designed to enable its members to keep...

These are the Best ways to Tweet like a Pro in 2020

Twitter is one of the top social media platforms to date if not the best platform for instant news and information. While Facebook has...

SafeBoda Food goes live, here is how you can order your next dish

SafeBoda is slowly diverting from just being a ride-hailing service provider to a wide catalog e-service provider. First was the ability to share Cashless credit with fellow riders before Airtime purchases also became a walk over through the SafeBoda app

WhatsApp Integrates Call waiting support on Android

WhatsApp is a cutting edge Instant Messaging platform that has teased to be a trend adopter for each and every feature its users feel...

How to enable Instagram Dark mode on your Smartphone

In this digital age, Instagram is one of the most competitive platforms on the scene ranking as the 3rd most used social media portal. And its newest support list includes the dark mode functionality that can now be accessed on your smartphone.

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